Place to buy: Trader Joes
Cost: $2.99
Variety: Valdiguie? Gamay?
Lori's score:
Nate's score: 6.5/10
You know, it's hard to rate this one. When you get a Beaujolais Nouveau you know that you are getting an extremely light wine with very little, well... taste. Sometimes that can be good. It depends what you're looking for. It's like pizza. Thin crust and thick crust are both good, but usually a person is looking for one over the other. The opposite one probably isn't as appealing as it normally would be.
To be honest, to me it seems pretty decent. Of the many reviews I've read, many people say to serve it slightly chilled (55 degrees). I suppose I could try that, but I again, I think its definitely drinkable. Sure, it's very simple with not much there, but compared to many of the cheap wines you get, that taste horrible and you want to end, this is a great red to get someone into wine that might not normally like it. It is fairly sweet, upon first taste, reminds me a bit of cherry cough syrup, so it might get a bit much after a full glass. After taste is really non existent (at first). If you wait about 15 seconds though, you do taste a light "blah" taste (morning breath?).
This 2010 may be gone now, after the new year, TJs will stop selling and you never know how long it will last. I'd definitely try again next year. Each year can be quite different. Overall, I'd do it again, knowing what I know.
Anything that isn't too strong or that isn't too sweet, as this is so light and already sweet.